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Students: Library FAQs

Library FAQs


Are you open?

Yes, we are open from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday, excluding holidays.


Can I check out books?

Yes! We operate as an academic and public library. As long as you have a library account with us you are able to check out books. If you want to check out a book from one of the college center libraries, give us a call at  (605) 455-6069 so we can process it for you.


How can I return my books?

You can call, email, or log in through our book search to renew your books.

To return books, you can either:

  1. Return them in person at the front desk, or place them in our green drop-off box in front of the main library at Piya Wiconi.
  2. Place them in the return box (little white house with red roof) inside your local OLC center library.
  3. Mail them back to us at:  310 Piya Wiconi Road, Kyle, SD 57752.


What online library resources are available to me?

We have many online resources such as our online catalog, scholarly and community interest databases, our LibGuides and video tutorials, and online magazines through Flipster, just to name a few.


How can I get in touch with a librarian?

You can email us or call the main library line at (605) 455 - 6069. 

Oglala Lakota College Woksape Tipi Library Physical Address: 3 Mile Creek Rd Kyle, SD 57752 Mailing Address: PO Box 310 Kyle, SD 57752 Phone: 1-(605)-455-6069